Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

August 3, 2012

A Book Day

Today is a cozy, stay home, & read a book kind of day. Where I can stay in the comfort of my house, with my make-up off, and my hair not done.

I recently went to the library to pick up a book, I've been WAITING to get. It's a Trilogy, so it's a series of 3 books.
So that's what I'm up to today! What are your plans?


March 11, 2012

New Book

As most of you know, I went to Dare2Share with my youth group last month! It was tons of fun, we learned a lot, and we're all finding spots in our lives when we can apply the information. Dare2Share is all about teaching teens how to share their faith. One of the speakers, Zane Black, just wrote a book. He didn't become a Christian until he was 18 and had a pretty messed up life before that.

Pretty insane to say the least. :) So at the conference they were selling them, and my sister Erin and my friend Beka each bought one. Beka usually reads a book in a couple months or maybe a bit less, but this book was so good she read it in... 2 days! Can you believe that? I can't wait to read it! As soon as Erin is done, I'll be sure to read it. :)

If you're interested and think you want to read it too, then just go here!


January 7, 2012

Random Saturday Rambling

I didn't have that much homework this weekend, but I had to finish one fairly big project for Language Arts and my math.

I hate book critiques - Take so much thought. (Oh just thought that I'd let you know that I DO know how to spell book... I didn't realize until later that I speilled it with an 'e'.) lol oops!

I had to do the critique (kind of like a book review) on this book. It wasn't even that great.

If you know me, then you know math is not my favorite subject. At all. I'm pretty good at it, but I still don't like doing it.

Today I have a family reunion gathering type of thing so I'll be going to that and then coming home to probably do nothing.

I still have to shower and so something useful! :) Good thing it's Saturday!
Looking forward to my new "series"! I'll be working on my next post, and hope to have it published sometime next week.
