Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brothers. Show all posts

September 13, 2015

College Life

The last 3 1/2 weeks have flown by so incredibly fast.

All the nerves, anxiousness, and worries are gone. Replaced with new friends, joy, and college adventures. Let's rewind just a little bit...

Family selfie after the truck was loaded up

On August 18th, I moved into my college dorm and started orientation.
The next day, August 19th, at 5:30am I woke up to tryout for the varsity volleyball team. I didn't make the team but it was so fun to meet the girls and get to be on the court again.
Then on August 21st my roommates moved in! They have the same name (Brooke) and so we now go by nicknames based on our last names. We get along so well and we're already really close. That same day my boyfriend (Derek) also moved into his dorm and it's such a blessing to have him on the same campus!
From the 21st-25th, we had constant freshman orientation activities. Met with our orientation leaders, our entire orientation group of 20+ people. We did volunteer work in the community, played "name games", went to chapel together, and had so many informational sessions I thought my head was going to explode.

Goodbye pictures with my brothers

Move in day with Derek :)

Me and "the Brookes" (roommates)

Despite how exhausting and full our days were, it was a lot of fun and my roommates and I got to know our group really well! Classes started on August 26th, and we're just about to go into our 4th week of classes! Time flies so fast and it's insane that I've almost been here for an entire month. Lots of work. Lots of fun. Lots of memories.

First day of school selfie - I only did this for my mom because it's tradition :)

I've even gotten to go back home a couple times to see my younger siblings play soccer, and visit with some friends. Last week, Derek and I went back to our high school to watch my old volleyball teammates play their second home game! It was so fun to see them again and one of my best friends from high school came and watched with us too!
Erin and her best friend came to watch UNW's first football game!

Hope everyone else is enjoying their time back to school! I'll write again as soon as I have enough time :)


July 24, 2014


I love my brothers.

They do everything together.

Play, paint, fight, build, learn, and imagine.

They get along so well. (most of the time)

They make us laugh and are each other's best friends.

I can't imagine my life without my crazy little bros.

...who are actually not so little anymore.


December 8, 2013

Brothers' Birthdays

My brothers' birthdays are only 2 weeks apart. Our family actually has 5 birthdays and Christmas all within 8 weeks of each other. So the holidays are always extra fun and busy. :)

My brother Jace turned 11 years old this year. I honestly can't believe it. I remember when I was 11 years old and now here my little brother is turning that age. He got a sports bag, sweatshirt, and new game he really wanted for his birthday. :)

The next birthday we celebrated was my other little brother Scout's. He turned 8 years old this!! I was only 9 when he was born so this birthday made me feel especially "old". He got some new clothes and a Lego set he wrote down on his list. :)
It's such a blessing to watch my siblings grow up and to be their big sister. Happy birthday to the best little brothers ever!


April 5, 2013

He was Protecting Us

I'm pretty sure most of you know that I have my drivers license. I turned 16 in November, and got my license in January.

Just about 4 weeks ago, I was involved in my first ever car accident.

My parents have been in quite a few accidents, but never when they had kids.

Thank goodness it wasn't my fault, and that everyone was perfectly ok.

I was on my way to school with both of my brothers in the back seat.

I was getting ready to merge onto the busy highway from a backroad about 5 minutes from our house.

As I was waiting for it to clear, I noticed that there was a bus in the left lane and that it was clear for me to get into the right lane.

Well, about 3 seconds after I was fully in the lane the bus passed me, and the car behind it was trying to change lanes, but since he hadn't seen me merge earlier he hit me in the front/side.

He was going around 60 mph and since I was still speeding up I was going around 40 mph.

Once he hit me (on the drivers side) it popped my front tire and spun me around. That would put me facing oncoming traffic.

It all happened so fast...the only part I really remember at that direct moment was; I heard a loud crash and thought "What on earth just happened?! No...I couldn't of just gotten in an accident."

Did I mention that my parents had surprised me with a car...just 10 days before this happened? I didn't? Oh well they did and yes I was driving it that day...

I couldn't restart my car and so I was stuck facing backwards in the middle of the lane with no help accept my mom who I had just called to tell her what happened.

After being turned around, frantically trying to restart my car, and balling my eyes out I had to figure out two things: "Are my brothers ok?" & "How bad is the car?"

I spun around and saw both of my brothers conscious, not bleeding, and not even crying. They actually cried less than I did...

A couple minutes later 2 ladies who had seen the accident came rushing towards me, called 911, and made sure everyone was ok. It was quite the scene!
I did hit my head on the side window and so I had a small bruise and my neck was sore and my youngest brother also bumped his ear on the window, but that was about the extent of any injuries what so ever.

God was not only protecting me & my brothers, but also the other guy and his young daughter.

He didn't come up to me or ask me if I was ok, but my mom did ask his wife if him or his daughter were hurt and that was about it.

I was so shooken up about everything that looking back... half of it was a blur and and at the same time I remember everything. (obviously because I'm writing this post)


After working everything out with insurance, being asked many questions, and waiting for the "shock" to wear off...things are 98% back to normal.

Whenever my brothers are in the car with me and we get home safely, Scout (the youngest bro) will announce "We made it and we're back in one piece!!" :) Haha oh dear I traumatized them...kinda...not really.

I know for a fact that the accident could of been a lot worse, and that Jesus sent his angels down. The thought of anyone getting seriously injured or even dying makes me emotional.

It's hard to think about sometimes, but when I breathe a little prayer I know that Jesus is always with me no matter what. Whether it's driving, eating, sleeping, or working.

If you read the whole thing, I applaud you! :)
