Showing posts with label my time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my time. Show all posts

July 22, 2014

Stopping By

Hey everyone,

I know I haven't been around here this summer, but I'm coming back! Life has been crazy and messy and chaotic but in the midst of all that, I've really missed writing. Blogging, especially, is a stress reliever for me because it's something I love to do, it passes time, and it's fun. Plus I have all you wonderful followers who take the time to read and skim through my little blog. :)

What have I been up to? Keeping myself busy as always, there's never too many dull moments in my life. I've been working a lot, babysitting, getting back into shape for volleyball, going to the beach, playing volleyball, drinking too much coffee, had my senior pictures taken, having youth group bonfires, and spending time at home with my family.

Here's a sneak peak of my senior pics - Look around the blog, there's a few more
All pictures belong to Bees Knees Photography - Please don't copyright or steal them. 

This summer hasn't been too crazy and there's still some things I need to do before it's over! I can't believe August is only 10 days away...Time slips away too fast. I recently took a trip to Kansas City with my youth group and that was incredible! (post on that really soon) Still need to do the annual trip to Valleyfair, have a couple more bonfires, and definitely go to the beach more. Unfortunately, where I live, it's not as hot and sunny as I'd like it to be in the summer but when the sun does come out, the beach is a must.

Ok well that's all for now...I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Get outside, don't scroll through twitter or facebook for very long ;)

Have a fabulous day!

March 5, 2014

Annndd it's March

Hey all you crazy blog followers! I feel so sad to have abandoned my little space of the internet for so long but I have quite enjoyed my absence and also needed a little break to focus more on life. A lot has happened in the past month and I'm so excited to get back to journaling it all right here again!

I've already got some posts in drafts and thoughts and words running through my head. So to get back into the swing of things, I thought I'd do an instagram catch up! I haven't done one since Christmas time and when I was looking back at the old posts I was just kind of realizing that it is officially MARCH 2014. What!?

Time goes by crazy fast. So fast that it's ridiculous that things, and life, and worries, and people can all change in this amount of time.
Christmas Eve 2013// Sunday evening enjoying my caribou// black&white silly pics while babysitting
Me & my gorgeous best friend Brynn// Snowaze 2014// Late night run to Target// Brynn & I at Snowdaze
FINALLY read the book Divergent - Amazing// Selfie// Crazy pics with the little bro during the Superbowl
Matching with my beautiful momma// Black&white selfie// Took the plunge and read TFIOS - Speechless// My little bro once again!

Thanks for bearing with me during my blogging break! Would love for you to comment to see how everyone has been doing!


February 1, 2014

Blogging Break

Hey everyone! I know I haven't been posting as much in the last month or so, and I'm sorry if I've completely bored you to death. :) I've written many posts about the chaotic, crazy, and fun life I lead. I've talked about my stresses and praises and my adventures and reflections. I thank everyone for following along and reading about my busy life. I love getting feed back and encouragement from anyone who reads just makes me want to blog even more.

I usually take at least one blogging break a year and maybe a couple more unnoticed ones as well. With all the responsibility I have at home, the fun I have with friends, school being a little extra hard this year, and trying to manage a basketball team and find time for myself - Things get a little hectic sometimes. The thing is I never give myself a break...I've always been a people pleaser. I don't like to disappoint others; I like to help them and encourage them and think about them before myself. And as much as I hate talking about myself...I need to.

I need to make myself happy as much as I can make others happy. So sometimes taking a few steps back and clearing my to-do list for others is just what you need to do...and that's what I'm doing. I'll probably be gone most of February and I'll be taking some time for myself. Don't worry though...When I'm back, I'll catch you all up and hopefully have some pictures to post as well. :)

Thanks for being the most fantastic followers ever!

P.S. To keep up with me while I'm absent from here...You'll probably see me on my social media sites more often. You can find me on twitter, instagram, or shoot me an email. Just click the 'Contact' tab above!

January 3, 2014

Old Goals & New Goals

This past year I started something new. I made 13 goals for 2013. I decided to write them down and keep them here for all of you to see. I felt like that would give me more motivation and keep me more accountable to things I wanted to achieve. And even though I didn't complete them all, I am quite happy with what I accomplished in 2013. 

I am proud and excited that so much could happen in just one year. So here are the finished goals from my year.

1. Bedroom Makeover ✓ (pics coming soon)
2. Save enough money for a DSLR camera 
3. Get a car 
4. Finish my sophomore year on the A or B honor roll 
5. Get a Summer job 
6. Complete 3 DIY projects off of Pinterest
7. Let my blog reach 50 followers 
8. Learn how to crochet or knit
9. Go on a road trip
10. Complete 5 random acts of kindness

11. Complete my devotional book
12. Don't spend excess money for an entire month 
13. Stop the bad habit of biting my nails (in progress)

Since this seemed to be such a success for me. I decided to make 14 goals for 2014 as well. There are probably 3 or 4 of the same from 2013 because I really want to complete all the goals I made. :) 

Thanks for following along!

October 25, 2013

The End of the Season

Yesterday we played our last game. Stepped on the court for the last time this season. Played our hardest in our 2nd sections game and gave it all we had. We lost but with pride and satisfaction all around. We prayed with the other team and wished them good luck as they continue their journey. Then coach bought us ice cream. It was a perfect day to say goodbye to volleyball.

This season was so amazing. I couldn't ask for better teammates, smarter coaches, louder fans, or a more amazing God who kept us all safe and injury free. Being a captain and a Junior it was a more stressful season because I'm one of the people that the girls looked up to, listened to, and went to me if they needed help or advice. It was such a blessing and we worked through everything together as a team. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

More pictures coming soon! Volleyball I will miss you...

September 21, 2013

Well Would you Look at That!

I'm back! Whew, my life has been busy. I'm so glad I can come back and write and have so much encouragement from all of you! Thank you for all of your lovely comments on my last post. Fall weather has now started here in my neck of the woods and I'm loving it! Fall is my favorite season!

Wake up at 6am
Go to school for 7 hours
Volleyball practice or a game
Get home around 8-10pm
Eat dinner
Do a boatload of homework
Go to bed hopefully before midnight

My life ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you all understand that school isn't always easy and that sports and a big family always cause extra chaos. It's been a crazy transition into things but a fun one and I'm so blessed to live this life. Most days I sleep in the shower, or skip the notes in class, or just fall on the ground once I get home. Life is always full of seasons though and this season will pass sooner than I think, so why not enjoy it while I can.

Plus I'm seeing most of my friends everyday and playing a sport that I LOVE with some of my favorite girls in the entire world! I always heard that Junior year was going to be the hardest but never realized that until I got there. Not to scare anyone but for me this is definitely true. 

Blogging has always been one of my favorite things to do, and I miss it so much. Hopefully I can do it more often so all of you don't get so bored. I just thought I'd give you a little update and a little journal for myself.


September 1, 2013

Summer 2013 Said Goodbye

I finished my first week of school yesterday. My school has every other Friday off and thank goodness the first week didn't include a full 5 days. This year it's a little different though.

Usually when the first day of school comes I'm pretty excited. But not this year. I was literally dreading it...D-R-E-A-D-I-N-G it. I can't believe summer went by that fast. And I was not looking forward to going back so soon.

My best friend left the school and started a new school this year. That's been the hardest thing...she doesn't play volleyball with me this year, I don't see her in the halls, I can't sit with her at lunch, and I miss her so much. Her school isn't far away but we're definitely more busy because of our different schedules. Also, half of my grade went PSEO this year. (which means they started taking college classes at a community college nearby)

So you can see why it's been a little more lonely and quiet this year. I'm just so sad that I don't get to sleep in anymore, or have time to sit down and read a book, or see my friends as often, or just a day to chill and do nothing.

Monday started the day that my bed doesn't get made, where the bathroom is extra messy, when my clothes are covering my bedroom floor, homework is completed for hours a night, TV is a privilege, and volleyball is a top priority.

Let's rewind to summer shall we?

chilling with my siblings, holding babies, going to baseball games, captains practices for volleyball, making boardgames, hanging out with friends, home pedicures, the weather, beautiful sunsets, Arizona tea, and checking things off my summer list.


May 14, 2013

Catchin' up on Instagram


So I'd thought I'd give you a little catch up on my instagram since the beginning of April.

I really don't know if people really like seeing my instagram pics, but it's a fun place to document them.

Anyway if you don't have an instagram you can click right! And that will bring you right to my page. :)

So here's a great big collage for you that's full of random pictures from my life.

driving my brothers around for a fun day//started running again//outfit//bff Beka and me//
fishie necklace my grandma made//district blitz conference//sister and friends at a hotel//my Bible//
band The Neverclaim//beautiful sun//playing Candy land with my brother//my best friend trying a food for the first time//
black&white selfie//baseball game for my school @ the metrodome//another selfie//Megan & I on field day//beautiful sista Erin

And that would sum bits and pieces up of my crazy life. Thanks for following along! :)


April 15, 2013

Things I've Realized {from Pinterest}

This post is mostly for fun. I've realized that Pinterest is really unrealistic...I know some people realize that right from the beginning, but it took me a little while.

I'm here to give you a few examples straight from my life.

Everyone wants their Bible to look like that...c'mon admit it. And in real life mine (seriously) is brand it for Easter. But I can't wait until it fills up.

Looking for a great picture with some beautiful sunlight? Yeah well really you're gonna get the snow stomped ground in the dead middle of winter and with the sun as my hat.

Sometimes I also realize it's quality and critique. Because I promise I wore this before I saw this on pinterest... And yet the outfit on pinterest looks better. Weird.

Now this picture is just her glasses & her expression. Now looks like I have a balloon in my mouth and I'm trying to hold my breath and not choke on it or something. Goodness gracious this is awkward. :)

Don't judge me for my apps. My brothers play more games than I do. So I saw this on pinterest and thought that would be so cute and fun to do. And then I realized how too incredibly lazy I am to do that. So my iPod will stay the same and look as if a 4 year old owns it.

I have been loving the eye makeup I've been seeing on Pinterest recently. Then I realized I don't have the eye shadow, lashes, or talent to do any of them. So this is what you get. Oh and my eyes (or eye liner) don't look that disgusting in real life.
Thank you for listening to my realistic rant on how I spend my time! :)

March 25, 2013

Instagram Monday

snow & the sunrise

homework homework homework

finally seeing the sun again :)

favorite caribou cooler

missing volleyball lately

winter wonderland

keepin' up on my devotions

this is what my bedroom currently looks like x10 because of my crazy directioner sister

chillin' in my camo and listening to some music...spring break


more snow prettiness

went a little country :)

oh how I hate mondays... still smiling


March 9, 2013

What I've Been Up To

Yes, I'm back! :)

It was nice to take a break from the blogging world and pay some much needed time to other things in my life.

I've been pretty busy, but now Spring break is here! A whole week and half of NO school. Score!!

I've got some other posts coming, but for now just a few things.

Hanging with the best friends a girl could have! Watching a couple of our other friends play basketball! :)

Went snow-tubing with some friends and that was a BLAST! We got pretty wet, but it wasn't that cold and the snow that fell all night was beautiful!

Thanks for not hating me while I took my break! I've missed hearing from my amazing followers!

February 20, 2013

Hey There!

Well hello blogger friends!

I am alive!  I've been up to lots & staying very busy.

I do continue to stop by your blogs and read your lovely posts!

It's time I take a little break...shouldn't be too long, but life has been extra crazy.

Hope you all have had a wonderful February so far! :)

Bye for now...


P.S. To keep up with me more often, you can find me on instagram at: michlynk_fisher

February 17, 2013


Make a video - it's fun, easy and free!

As promised my new smile! 6 year journey... :)


January 19, 2013

A Nomination, End of semester, & Drivers license Kind of Week

I did say I was going to be busy this week...

And BUSY I was!

I also said that there would be great stories and I do have those as well.

Here's a look into my busy week!

I mentioned before that our first semester of school was ending and Thursday was the last day! We are on a nice 4-day weekend break!! Which means it was full of tests, projects, and all late homework was due by the end of the day.

Little brother hard at work :)

Took a break and played some intense scrabble with my sister! 

I also mentioned in my last post that I was looking for a Snowdaze dress. Well I found one and thought I would give you a little sneak peek. :)

P.S. I also found out that I was nominated as one of the top 3 girls in my grade for Snowdaze Princess!
Oh and my amazing friend Megan was nominated too!! :)

Since this week wasn't stressful enough *sarcastic cough*, I also decided I was going to try my license test again. For those of you who don't know...I failed the first time at the end of December. I PASSED! Woooo I am now a licensed driver! :)

So it might  not seem stressful or busy, but put youth group, teaching AWANA at church, late nights, and a nerve attacking license test allll together and that's what you have! :)

I also got my braces off! (a whole other post about that coming in a few days)

Oh and I'm also guest posting right here today! Would love for you stop by Emma's blog and check it out!


December 11, 2012

From the Northpole to You

Hey everyone. This is going to be pretty much a random post - So if you want to just scroll through and leave, that's ok! :)

I'm living in the north pole as of Sunday.

Snowed from 6 am - 8 pm. BOOM! 13 inches.

I'm dying to take some pictures of all the white loviness stuff.

Still working out some camera probs.

I've been reading some GREAT posts recently. Thought I'd share a few.

Brooke's Imperfect Life (real stuff)

Hannah's Christmas Playlist

Brittany's Amazing Photography

Ariel's Stories (good stuff)

Haley's Heart (protecting yourself)

Ha! You thought I was going to leave you hanging...nope I do have a few photos that I snapped on the way to school. I will admit it does look pretty! Although the weather that comes with it...brrrr!

Also I've been getting nail inspired again with this season change! :) Thinking maybe something like these....

FUN CHRISTMAS NAIL ART IDEA  .  christmas nails 2

What have you been up to? I'll post again soon! Now it's off to homework...oh joy.

November 16, 2012

Insta-Week / Day 1

I'm starting Insta-Week. I've noticed about 3 different blogs I follow are doing "thankful days". Which means they post something they are thankful for, everyday for the month of November. I'm doing it for a week. Through Instagram. F,S,Su,M,T,W,Th

The opportunity to be able to go out with my mom and sister.
 To have people as special and crazy as them in my life.
To teach me patience. And love.

We were able to hang out at Caribou for a couple hours today. I loved it!!
Laughs that were needed. Treats that I love.


November 8, 2012

Sweet?? ...16

Hey everyone... I turned 16 yesterday.

Oh my goodness gracious. I am getting old. :)

You know everyone looks forward to their sweet 16 right?

Well I definitely was! Going to school to celebrate with friends, and dress up.

The thing is...this...

Yep. I got sick. Like sleep on the couch, your whole body aches, I just want to be healthy again sick.

On my birthday. Just fantastic.

So this was pretty much my "sweet" 16.

(p.s. thanks mom for putting this on facebook. haha at least I was drooling and you could barely see my sick & make-up less face. :) )

There were a few things that made my day brighter and happier, but those will come tomorrow when I'm not so lazy. It's my 3rd day home from school this week. :( I love school...most of the time. Just not the homework and the wake up early part of it.

I could use some prayers! Thank you - now it's off to bed again.

October 19, 2012

When Life is Thrown in your Face

I gotta a very thoughtful comment, from one of my beautiful followers about my lack of posting. :) I love hearing comments like that because then I know I'm missed and that my blog is loved... It just makes me smile!

I haven't posted in a while, and have been very busy.

LIFE has been in my way lately... Sometimes I just want to crawl under my covers and sleep the whole day.

Where I can dream about anything perfect and lovely.

Where I can forget that reality is waiting for me when I wake up.

Where I can figure out real life problems in my head.

Where I can dismiss all the drama at school lately.

Just some of those thoughts have kept me away from my blog. I have so much on my mind and with so little time, I can't think of anything to write.

---I've been dying to actually go somewhere other than my backyard and do a photo shoot. I've done a few with my best friend but none of them have turned out...sigh. I need to take a photography class.

---I've been spending a lot of my time on Pinterest lately. Trying new things to my hair and trying crazy facial creams.

---I'm very shopping deprived. I neeeeed to go get some new jeans, and some boots. My only problem is...$$$. I've been completely broke. Oh well. I must be thankful for what I have.

From my world to your world ///

Happy Friday!

August 24, 2012


This is my 200th post!

I've been writing & sharing about my crazy life with you for a year, and this is my 200th post! I love writing! Sometimes I need to vent. Sometimes I need encouragement. Sometimes I just want to have fun. These are some expressions that show in my posts on my little ole' blog.

Some sad

Some hopeful

Some kind

Some encouraging

Some desperate

Some exciting

Some boring

Some fun

You've all been so encouraging and kind! I just love hearing from my followers, friends, and strangers alike! :) Here's to another hopeful 200 posts down the road...
