December 8, 2015

One. Week. Left.

Guys the time is winding down!! In just over a week, I'll be back home with my family & my dogs & working & having no school work.
Can't. Wait.

College has been much tougher than I ever thought it would be. Many different aspects tie into the first semester being a little challenging but this too shall pass. I've learned SO much and am just taking more and more steps towards my ultimate goal - which I'm incredibly excited about.

With no set schedule (besides classes), little sleep, homework, and other various socially & mentally draining events - you get a little exhausted. So I'm very much looking forward to being home for almost a month!

Highlights of my first semester?
- Getting to know my roommates better & we're actually adding our best friend to our dorm room next semester :)
-Yes, we were one of those dorms that bought a "pet" fish. Hank Alexander Nigel Sven I - aka Hans. (long story, don't ask. We just call him Hank)
- I'm very thankful for the weekends I got to go home - a lot of students aren't able to.
- Random adventures to Target.
- Playing Just Dance with my roomies until midnight - and losing every single time I might add.
- The support of friends & family! I couldn't do this journey alone.
- My GORGEOUS campus - any season is picturesque.
- Extremely thankful for my boyfriend who pushes me to do my best & supports me through everything. Going to college with him has been such a blessing!
- Also, my sister Erin is my biggest support. She wouldn't complain when I texted her ranting or upset. She drove the 2 hour commute to come see me on weekends I was alone (or just bored). She totally understands me & my heart. It's tough not sharing a room with her anymore but I know we'll be there for each other in everything we do.

Praying all my lovely followers have a safe & blessed Holiday season. Enjoy those around you and don't take them for granted. Remember the real reason for Christmas. I'll be back soon!


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