December 31, 2013

2013 Year in Review

Wow, can you believe 2013 is already over?!

One year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. Already in the rear view mirror of our lives.

This year, 2013, has brought unbelievable blessings and trials. God has shown me time and time again that no matter what we go through or how great our life seems to be, there will always be new adventures coming our way. Those adventures have shown me that God is the only one in charge of our lives and living it to glorify Him is going to be way easier than trying to do it our own way.

So cheers to 2014 and the great journey it will bring!

Snowdaze 2013 which you can read about here and here!

Braces came off for the second time! You can watch the video here.

February photoshoot with Beka here.

Basketball games with the best friends ever! They became my life! Love supporting our school :)

 Scenery from our dreadfully long winter here. I also decided to take a blogging break around this time - I usually take one or two a year.

Had a blast at the youth conference District Blitz!

Finished Sophomore year!! Reviewed that in this post.

Big sister got married!!!

Highlights of Summer 2013!

Little sister's 3rd gotcha day! You can read about our journey here and here.

Valleyfair 2013 with The Posse! :)


Highlights of our season can be found here. So proud of these girls!


 My cousin Kressi got married in October and our whole family was able to be there on her special day.

I turned 17 this year! Read about some parts of my crazy life here and here.

Posse night in...Love my crazy group of friends!

Merry Christmas and blessings in the new year! :)


December 25, 2013

From Our Family to Yours

Wishing you the best this season!

~Michlyn & Family

December 22, 2013

Christmas Instagram

Well it's that time already...Christmas 2013 is only 3 short days away! This year literally felt so short it's unbelievable. Time flies but memories last forever. (< yeah I'm pretty cheesy)

Thought I'd catch you up on my instagram feed as we all celebrate the most wonderful time of the year! :)

birthday cards & flowers// new beanie// getting pedicures// 
celebrating birthdays w/ my mom & sister// editing photoshoot pics// scarf selfie// best friend status//
message on my calculator (inside joke)// black & white selfie// sister bonding through homework//
my cousin & I on thanksgiving// random selfies// college emails// it's Christmas break, let's celebrate selfie//


December 21, 2013

Volleyball Banquet

My volleyball banquet was in the beginning of November, so I'm posting this a little late but I wanted to go back and look at the memories we made. :) The girls are my second family and some of my best friends...the teach me life lessons, make me laugh, and work harder than a lot of girls I know. When ever I felt down or upset, one of my co-captains noticed and could always make me feel better. The bus rides to away games were always my favorite and we always had conversations that made us laugh until our stomachs hurt.

Looking back and thinking about the banquet not only makes me smile but brings tears to my eyes. I'm sooo proud to be one of the captains of this team and to see how hard they worked this past season. I LOVE YOU GIRLS SO MUCH!

Here's to the 2014 season!

December 18, 2013

December 13, 2013

A Best Friend in Between.

They were both my best friends. He was blonde, athletic, and funny. She was brunette, bubbly, and beautiful. They both had a love for basketball and got to know each other better. Before I knew it they were dating. Almost a year went by and the summer was coming to an end. She started a new school. His friends started college classes away from school. They didn't see each other very often and it was hard. They kept fighting and she felt at fault. He didn't treat her the way he should. She took the blame for everything and soon it was over. A fight in his driveway and a phone call the next day broke them apart. She cried for weeks at night and all he did was put every feeling he ever felt away. It's only been a few months. When I'm with him we don't bring it up. When I'm with her, I don't mention his name. Being a best friend in between this situation is one of the hardest things I've ever been through. Pleasing people is what I do. Then one night I got a text from her that said "I can't be friends with you if you're friends with him..." *Cue tears and heart breaking* That night was hard but I was not ready to let either of them out of my life and thankfully it all worked out. "You need to become friends with him and mend this break between you two" was how the conversation ended. It's been a slow transition but I know that eventually this situation will be over and someday we'll look back and laugh at ourselves. Best friends...Can't live with them, can't live without them.

December 11, 2013

December 10, 2013

Word Lovin'

You've read about it...I've mentioned it more than once. My life has been stressful and crazy. The thing is I'm trying to look past all the overwhelming details and trying to focus on the goals I want to accomplish. Lately, I've read some great posts that have really spoken to me and inspired me. I thought I'd share them here and maybe someone else would find them encouraging as well. :)

Emalee is a lifestyle blogger who loves fitness, makeup, and cats! Her post was especially encouraging because it seemed like she was talking to me when I read it. Definitely worth your time.

Inna is a b.e.a.utiful writer. I can't even. The way she words her posts just makes everything sound so beautiful. I love reading what she has to say about life and her adventures. And no this post isn't about One Direction's song - So go read what it's all about.

Jenna is a personal style blogger but also writes about bible studies, travel, and life adventures. She wrote this post last month and it's great. It talks about God's love and how we would be nothing without Him. Go check it out!


December 8, 2013

Brothers' Birthdays

My brothers' birthdays are only 2 weeks apart. Our family actually has 5 birthdays and Christmas all within 8 weeks of each other. So the holidays are always extra fun and busy. :)

My brother Jace turned 11 years old this year. I honestly can't believe it. I remember when I was 11 years old and now here my little brother is turning that age. He got a sports bag, sweatshirt, and new game he really wanted for his birthday. :)

The next birthday we celebrated was my other little brother Scout's. He turned 8 years old this!! I was only 9 when he was born so this birthday made me feel especially "old". He got some new clothes and a Lego set he wrote down on his list. :)
It's such a blessing to watch my siblings grow up and to be their big sister. Happy birthday to the best little brothers ever!


December 7, 2013

Where Does Time Go?

I should probably have a good excuse for being gone for weeks and weeks, but I truly don't. I have some posts in mind and will be getting some scheduled as it truly is "the most wonderful time of the year". (but also the busiest)

School has been extra stressful lately and with Christmas break coming up in 2 weeks, that means projects and papers all have to be turned in before the deadline. I've had far too many late nights this week and hope to stop that and get some sleep.

I hope to take some pictures of my siblings soon so we can put our Christmas card together and send it out before it's too late.

We had 2 nights where bountiful amounts of snow came and covered the ground. I usually LOVE the snow, and it's very pretty but driving in it is a completely different story. Thankfully we haven't gotten stuck, gone in the ditch, or rear-ended anybody. God's provisions are overflowing!

I'll be back soon! Stay warm everyone!

xoxo,  ~Michlyn

November 18, 2013

Train Tracks & Cute Hats {November 2013}

Last weekend one of my best friends, Beka, and I had another photoshoot. It's kind of a seasonal thing that we do and we always have a blast! When the weather changes or we get bored, we say "Hey let's do a photoshoot." :) So here are the Fall 2013 pictures we took!


November 16, 2013

Growing Up & Stuff

I've literally been debating a post idea for days. Clicking "new post" and then "delete" over and over and over because I just couldn't find the words. So life has been busy...

Volleyball is over. Been fitting in as much babysitting as possible. Filling out job applications. Doing a crazy amount of homework each night.

I turned seventeen 2 weeks ago and that has made me feel a different kind of "old" than I usually feel on my birthday. 13 - I became a teenager. 14 - I'd say was my defiant age. 15 - getting more mature. 16 - got my license. 17 - ??? Oh geez I guess that's where a job comes in? So I've been searching the nearby places I'd like to work at so I could start filling out some applications.

We've all heard about the applications, the interviews, the coworkers, and the job itself processes...but until you get there, it's a whole different game. I think trying to find a job has given me the most anxiety and nervousness that I've felt. Just thinking of the questions I'll have to answer, or if they'll think I'm not mature enough, or qualified
enough...and on and on the worries go.

Prayer has been my best friend lately. I also have to thank all my friends that have prayed for me and who have let me vent about life. One night this past week I just got so upset that I had meltdown and just prayed for God to lift me up and not feel so overwhelmed with responsibilities. After all, I'm 17 and still growing up and learning how to do all of this. :)


November 8, 2013

Posse Night In

I first told you about my great group of friends, last August, when we went to Valleyfair. We recently hung out at one of the guy's house to celebrate his 17th birthday. It was tons of fun!

Bonfire. Friends. Laughing. TV. Inside jokes. Games. Food.

Every single one of us made it - which is a miracle considering there is 14 of us. We always have a blast and it's fun for everyone because we don't have to feel pressured or awkward around each other. Playing ping pong or watching whatever sport is on TV that night is just fine. Of course telling jokes is necessary for us - otherwise it would be too boring. :) I don't know what I would do without these people.

Unfortunately, we didn't take a group picture but here are the ones that were taken that night.


November 6, 2013

November Instagram

Hey everyone! There have been 6 official days of November...Can you believe it? It seems like every year goes faster and faster...only 2 more full months of 2013. Crazy.

So can you guess what tomorrow is? Yep, you guessed it...MY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!!! :) I'm so excited and since I have school this Thursday and Friday - my weekend is packed full of celebrating. Don't worry, I'll post about my celebrations here and on instagram. (follow me: michlynk_fisher) Speaking of instagram - here's my catch up of the last 2 months.

Oh and I would just like to note that we got our first official snowfall yesterday - So happy winterish fall :)

lunch date with my momma// fall scenery// see you at the pole// volleyball girls//
excited to play a rival team// struggling with junior year// volleyball selfies w/ the girls//
our favorite game of the season(pics with the other team)// babysitting my favorite 4 month old// cousin's wedding//
sunrise on the way to school// more homework// parents night from volleyball// sisters picture//
peace sign and duck face w/ the little bro// one of my fave nail polishes// posse night in// dressing up//


November 3, 2013

Halloween with a Spanish Twist

This year my costume was a little bit different. It took me until that night to figure out what I wanted to be. You see, I'm in Spanish 3...and in Mexico they also celebrate a Halloween holiday except it's called "La Dia de los Muertos". (the day of the dead) It has a big meaning behind it, so I'll spare your time and you can Google it.

I had my friend Sophie sleeping over that night and she's like an artist so she decided to paint our faces like the Spanish skulls. It took a while but it was grand fun and then we went trick or treating like the crazy teenagers we are and spoke Spanish to people. :)

Halloween 2013 was a success! We'll see if I actually decide I'm too old next year :)


October 31, 2013

5 Rules on Being a Teenager

Being a teenager is always an adventure. It's the stages that are between awkward and mature. Obnoxious and responsible. They're your growing up years. It's not always fun and school usually gets more challenging, and you're trying to fit in and and and... I'm only 16 and even when I feel old, I know I'm still young. So since I've been a teenager for 4 years, I decided to write down some funny and basic rules on being a teenager.

1. Do not ask someone if they have a crush on another person. For the love of all things good and NOT do this. Unless it's your best friend or your sibling. (insert awkward stories) Because when you're just minding your own business and all of a sudden someone comes up and asks you "Do you like him/her?" and 10 other people hear and look at you and wait for your's not ok. Because then you can end up blushing and those people can tell other people and there's peer unless it's a safe situation, spare that moment.

2. Smell good. Please shower. Please please please. I know you're staying up late doing homework and waking up before the rooster crows but take the time to at least shower and put some good smelly stuff on. Because the last thing you want to be in high school is "that kid who smells like he just rolled in garbage". So just trust me on this and have good hygiene.

3. Stay out of drama. If you go to school or hang out with lots of other people your age, there's bound to be drama. Even if you try your hardest to stay out of it or ignore that girl that's had 14 boyfriends - it's bound to hit you in the face sooner or later. Because as soon as you ask Suzy about her boy're her clutch-the person she complains to about everything. Blah blah blah. Or as soon as you listen to that cute boy talking about how he snuck out of his house over the've heard it and you can't go back. So stick with the right crowd and get some friends that you know are good to be around.

4. Respect your parents. I cannot emphasize this enough. Now, my parents are great...and I really truly mean that. They're teaching me life lessons and being my best friends at the same time. But if you respect their decisions for you, as their child, and listen to them - they're going to do the same to you. They're going to realize that you know your boundaries and you're a good kid. Don't push it and ask to go to bad parties or sneak out of the house because that's how you get yourself in trouble. Because they're doing the best they can and the least you can do for them is say "ok mom/dad I understand".

5. Be original. Yeah yeah this is so cliche..."be yourself" yadda yadda yadda. You've heard it 1000 times. But no seriously. I don't care if you're with your best friend, at church, or by yourself...just be you. I've had troubles with this in the past and the last thing you want to be is the person you're not. Hiding under some fake mannequin. Sing in the shower, make stupid puns, wear your sparkly converse from 7th grade (ha funny story - I still do that), hang out with both genders, read a book - who cares if someone calls you a nerd, play a new sport, just make sure you're doing it all for you. Not me or that cute boy on the football team. YOU.
